Background and Purpose

Established in 2017, the mission of the BCH Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism (DEI/AR) Council is to build an institution that is rooted in justice and equity to nurture an inclusive culture and to cultivate and implement effective strategies for the just and equitable provision of education, discovery, and patient care. Our vision is to build an empathetic, supportive and equitable environment for the present and future UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals community.

The project goal is to implement a DEI/AR project that brings intention, thoughtfulness, and a structured approach to achieve equity and inclusion in an environment that lacked the infrastructure where DEI/AR-related efforts could be scaled and maximized across the entire organization.

Award Amount

Each award will be from $2,000 - $5000 (pending availability of funds), with a total of $20,000.

Eligible Applicants

UCSF BCH departments/units that have shown to advance diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism.  

Application Deadline

September 27, 2024, 5:00 pm PST

Project Period

December 1, 2024 – June 15, 2025

Upon completion, a final report must be submitted to BCH DEI/AR Council.  The format for the final report will be forwarded shortly after receipt of the award letter. Full funding of these awards are based on availability of funds.

Application and Submission Information

1.  Contact Information

Provide department, name of representative and contact information, name of division director, department address, phone number, e-mail address.

2.   Need (200 words maximum)

Explain the justification for the proposed DEI/AR project and identify the target population to benefit from the proposed project.

3.   Proposal (400 words maximum)

Describe the proposed program or project. Describe the project goals and objectives in measurable terms.

4.   Monitoring and Evaluations (250 words maximum)

Describe how this DEI/AR project will be monitored and evaluated—the measurable goals as stated in the “proposal” section will be the basis for the evaluation.

5.   Timeline

Submit a timeline for your proposed DEI/AR project. You will have up to June 15, 2025 to complete the project.

6.   Budget narrative

Submit a budget narrative for the proposed DEI/AR project.


Application Instructions

Please write out your entire application before submitting since  you can only submit the entire application at one time. Applications can be submitted through Qualtrics at the link:  

submit application here


Contact Information:
Henry Ocampo, Program Manager DEI/AR
[email protected]

Application Review Criteria

The technical review of the BCH DEI/AR applications will consider the following four factors listed:

  1. Factor 1: Department Experience and Need (20%)
  • Demonstrated knowledge of the problem at the department level.
  • Extent to which the applicant demonstrates understanding of DEI/AR needs
  • Experience providing DEI/AR activities.
  1. Factor 2: Program Proposal (35%)
  • Appropriateness and merit of proposed approach and specific activities for each objective.
  • The degree to which the project design, proposed activities and products to be developed are culturally and linguistically appropriate.
  • Logic and sequencing of the planned approaches as they relate to the statement of need and to the objectives.
  • Degree to which the goals and objectives are stated in measurable terms.
  • Attainability of the goals and objectives in the stated time frames.
  1. Factor 3:  Evaluation (25%)
  • The degree to which expected results are appropriate for objectives and activities.
  • Appropriateness of the proposed data collection plan (including demographic data to be collected on project participants), analysis and reporting procedures.
  • Potential for the proposed project to impact the DEI/AR efforts within BCH.
  • Soundness of the plan to disseminate project results.
  1. Factor 4: Timeline and Budget (20%)
  • Attainability of the objectives in the stated time frames
  • The necessity, reasonableness, and allocation of the proposed costs

Review and Selection Process

Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the DEI/AR Council’s Education Task Force Team. 



 Congratulations to the following FY2025 Awardees:

Staff Lead



Aday Robinson


BCH Oakland

Jennifer Goldhammer, Brianna Negrete, Matthew Logan

Child Life Services

BCH San Francisco

Abdur Shemsu

BCH Foundation

Both BCH Oakland and San Francisco

Natasha Rae Mendez

Mission Bay Emergency Department

BCH San Francisco



 Congratulations to the following FY2024 Awardees: 

Staff Lead



Katie Craft

UCSF Madison Clinic for Pediatric Diabetes

Both BCH Oakland and Mission Bay

Mary Frazier

Employee Health

BCH Oakland

Jennifer Goldhammer, Brianna Negrete, Matthew Logan

Child Life Services

BCH Mission Bay

Harneet Kumar

PICU Bridge Committee

BCH Mission Bay

Areon Williams

4 Medical

BCH Oakland




 Congratulations to the following FY2023 Awardees: 

Staff Lead



Jacqueline Harris

Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery

Both BCH Oakland and Mission Bay

Michelle Giuliani

Emergency Department

Both BCH Oakland and Mission Bay

Barbara Liepman, Jenise Wong, and Angel Nip

Division of Endocrinology

Both BCH Oakland and Mission Bay

Silvia Lu


BCH Oakland

Aday Robinson


BCH Oakland



 Congratulations to the following FY2022 Awardees: 

Staff Lead



Dr. Herminia Hernandez

Behavioral Health

BCH Oakland

Kristen Beckler

Child Life Services

BCH Mission Bay

Barbara Liepman, Jenise Wong, Angel Nip

Division of Endocrinology

Both BCH Oakland and Mission Bay

Tanya Hatfield 

Perinatal Outreach/ ICN

BCH Mission Bay

Allison Mitchell

UDAR - BCH Foundation

Both BCH Oakland and Mission Bay